Monday, January 19, 2009

increasing our human capital

I recently had an idea that I'm really interested in hearing some opinions on; so for the first time it's prompting me to write to some of my favorite bloggers and get their input (hopefully). I'll add any responses to the post.

First letter out to Freakonomics guys:

programming as foreign language
1 message
Adam Winski Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 1:05 PM
Steven and Stephen,

I enjoyed your book a great deal and have been a regular reader of
your blog for over a year now. It's definitely one of my favorites.
I love the both of your perspectives on the world and really
appreciate the quality of your guest contributors and question takers.

The reason I'm writing to y'all is recently, as I was reading What the
Doormouse Said by John Markoff, I was struck as to how similar
learning a computer language appeared to be to learning a foreign

I do not know what kinds of computer classes are being taught in the
elementary, middle and high schools in the US so the following may be
moot but; what if schools were to offer as an option the opportunity
for students to elect programming classes as an alternative to foreign

I do think that learning languages is important and learning about
other cultures is crucial. However, in a world of limited (and
seemingly ever moreso) resources, I think it could make a great deal
of sense to teach a pragmatic skill over one that is less so. This is
especially true when, in my experience, a nontrivial percentage of
people do not take learning a foreign language in school very

I would be really interested in hearing your thoughts on this. Thanks
so much again for all of the great work and effort that y'all put into
your blog.


Adam Winski

Update 1/28: Sent to Tyler Cowen (Marginal Revolution)

Update 1/29: Response from Tyler!

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Tyler Cowen wrote:
I am all for this and note there have been a few good articles lately about "R"...


Not sure what he means by "R"? but I asked him to please send the articles to which he's referring...hoping to be able to deduce from there.

update 2/24/09 - just came across this: and sent it over to Freakonomics guys as well as a letter to Cuban.

update 2/25/09 - one more thing I forgot to mention in the initial post is that I think that this should first be instituted in the lowest performing schools. I can see the argument that those would be the kids who would get the least out of it but I believe the opposite. Teaching underprivileged kids such a useable skill could go a long way towards the employment opportunities those children have, even without the benefit of a degree.

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